Your Success Story Bores Me

(And so does mine.)

I get bored shitless when I hear people talking about success: they’ve done this or that and blah blah blah.

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Published on Medium.

You Are The Thing You've Been Waiting For

Image by Author

Things unfold in our lives.

Sometimes with the grace of a ballerina whirling through the air making us forget the separation between the space and the dancer and sometimes with the awkwardness of child just beginning to take his first steps as he learns to walk. Whether we like it or not and whether we fight it or not we are always in a process which is unfolding.

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Originally published by Elephant Journal

How I Create the Life of My Dreams Even When I Feel like shit

I was becoming a master manifestor.

Everything I wanted, I got. From the extra salmon roll I didn’t order but wanted which showed up on my plate courtesy of the chef thirty minutes after I decided secretly in my mind I would get it, to my request for a loving, sexy, emotionally available man to travel with during my time in Asia who showed up only three days after….

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Originally published by Wake Up World.

How Meditating With My Younger Self Changed Me

A couple of years ago when I really began to dive head first into meditation, I found myself inhabiting and exploring a whole new world of possibilities brought on by books I was reading on the subject and my own intuitive and creative take while in the experience.

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This article was originally published by Wake Up World. 

A Letter From the Cosmos: What We Must Know About Living on Planet Earth

Dear Fellow Humans,

I’ve had the privilege of living on planet Earth for quite some time now. The time I have spent here so far has been a real eye-opener for me. Through my experiences, many of which have been challenging, I have managed to figure out a few things about our humanity and how to live freely.  It is these lessons I would like to humbly share with you in this letter.

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This article was originally published by Elephant Journal

Understanding Destiny and Practical Steps to help you take charge of yours

We each come into this life with unique temperaments and quirks, a self- symphony, both breathtakingly beautiful and awkwardly arranged, and as par for the course agonizingly difficult to navigate at times.  We come in with a symphony that is above all inherently distinct and unable to be replicated by anyone else we encounter in the world.

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Originally published by Wake Up World

Are Your Emotions Holding You Hostage?

Have you ever gone into a fit of rage and come out barely remembering what you said or how you got there in the first place? Have you ever been seized by sheer panic while waiting for a response from your new crush, a state so powerful that sending a text message every hour on the hour, wondering aloud if something terrible happened felt like a good idea?

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Originally published by Elephant Journal

Dream On! Six Simple Ways to Enhance Your Dream Recall

Since as far back as I can remember, dreaming for me has always been an invitation for a new and exciting adventure. As a child I would lay my head on the pillow each night with a big smile on my face in anticipation of the new journey ahead, something that felt like a hand reaching from some other world in equal anticipation of my arrival.

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This article was originally published by Wake Up World.